Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy July 4th!!! StyleArc patterns hath arrived!

Spirit, let's hear it....a flag in another development, discovered on my walk tonight.

How is everyone's 4th going???  I enjoyed reading Antoinette's blog posting today about our trip to NYC and seeing the dress she made from fabric purchased that day.

I cooked and baked today.  This picture is blurry; those cookies don't look good but they were!    I baked because it's my chiro's birthday this week...but there have been other recipients as well, including my stomach!
July 4, 2011 dinner

Looked what arrived Saturday!  StyleArc patterns from Australia!   Here's how they come, in binder sheets.  The free pattern is in the bottom right binder sheet, with a customized letter.
StyleArc Emma and two others...

Here's the Emma dress pattern instructions  with sample fabric.  The instructions fit on one page!  The pattern itself is folded up and sealed with a "stylearc" sticker.  You have to order your exact size. No multisized patterns here.
StyleArc Emma

Here's what it looks like unfolded.  The paper is sturdy.  and it appears that the pattern has been hand traced!
StyleArc Emma

The Emma dress is rated "challenging".  I think I need something easy right redoing the Burda from yesterday???

The rose of sharon opened up this week and HUGE bumble bees are back!  I waited too late to take these pix; the flowers are already starting to close up.  But the bees love all that pollen!!   And I love those bumble bees.  I think they are pretty cool.

bumble bee and rose of sharon

Coming in for a landing!
bumble bee and rose of sharon

Be well!  Good night!


  1. Your soup looks delish! I love soup. I haven't tried Style Arc patterns. I'll be interested in how you like them. Hope you're feeling well.

  2. The food looks delicious. Hoped you enjoyed you July 4th weekend.

  3. Ahhh, NYC... all went down the way it was meant to. :) Glad you got some down time on July 4. Hope you are having a great week!


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