The hem.(step 10)

The shank button and buttonhole. (step 9)
25 years after I learned to sew....I made my first pair of jeans (my first pair of pants ever with a fly front!) I finished steps 9 and 10 at 10:15am this morning and wore them all day! They did not fall apart!!
I'm crashing from the adrenline rush of sewing for 21 hours in 4 days, so here are all of the glorious, unedited pix, messy sewing room included.
Without the belt:

Bathroom pix without the belt:

With the belt:

Out in public:

With my new candy apple red shoes:

And some pix from yesterday's post (just so the main stuff is all in one post):
The back:

And the inside with my green and white floral pockets (before the button and buttonhole were done):

More pix are in this album.
Thank you for all the encouragement y'all left for me in the comments. I love reading your sweet comments!
Thank you to Christine who gifted me the jeans fabric.
And a HUGE thank you to Jennifer Stern for teaching her jeans class on PatternReview.com, and for teaching the Professional Jeans Construction class at the ASE. I think I asked for the most help out of my fellow classmates on Pattern Review and Jen was SO gracious with her time and sewing knowledge.
I want to refine the fit a bit more (they are a little loose without a belt and I'd like to refine the front crotch some more) and make some cords and velveteen pants from this pattern. I'd also like to try the Jalie pattern for stretch jeans and the Sewaholic trouser pattern (Sewaholic makes patterns for pear shaped women like me!) And I'd like to finally make the pants pattern that was adjusted for me in Austin last year, but never made because I was afraid of the fly front. So yes, L, I am hooked on pants! But there is a McCall's dress calling my name....
What a great sewcation! Be well!