Sunday, April 7, 2013

McCall's 6078 view C take 2: changing cowl depth

McCall's 6078 view C:  on Emma and Izzy
Emma, left, wearing last week's McCall's 6078 with loops; 
Big sister Izzy, right, wearing tonight's McCall's 6078 with reduced cowl depth (reduced so much, loops are not possible)

Lots of interesting responses regarding changing cowl depth from my last post.

Thanks to all who left ideas.  I went with debbie's's the photographic evidence:
Here's the pattern piece for the front of view C:

McCall's 6078 : changing cowl depth
Fold along the fold line:
McCall's 6078 : changing cowl depth
I drew a mark at 2 5/8" (5/8" for SA; 2 inches for reduction in cowl length).
McCall's 6078 : changing cowl depth
Draw a line diagonally across:
McCall's 6078 : changing cowl depth
I folded on the newly drawn line:
McCall's 6078 : changing cowl depth
Opened and drew on the fold:
McCall's 6078 : changing cowl depth
I cut that bit out:
McCall's 6078 : changing cowl depth
Ha ha ha, so now the shoulder seam is longer on the front than the back. Sadly, i had already cut out the back, and no more of this fabric remained.
McCall's 6078 : changing cowl depth
It was a 'make it work' moment:
View B has pleats; so I took up the extra length on the front SA by pleating it out:
McCall's 6078 : changing cowl depth
Now the cowl isn't plunging:
McCall's 6078 with 2"less cowl (4"total)
But it's not long enough to put the loops on. Maybe next time I will try with 1" instead of 2" and see if that leaves enough for the loops but isn't too plungetastic.
I do like that my bra straps are covered.  and bending over doesn't put on a show.
And it was less than 2 hours cut to finish.  When was the last time I sewed a garment in under 2 hours?  Hrm.
I think it's cuter with the shrug:
McCall's 6078 with 2"less cowl (4"total), and with shrug
Happy Spring!!
 daffodils in my front yard 4/7/13
Be well!!


  1. Good save, I think the pleating at the front shoulder seam probably added even more drapiness to the front too. Thanks for sharing your photos, I would never have worked that out otherwise - your changes make the cowl an entirely work appropriate top

  2. Wanna come to my house and give me a one on one lesson?

  3. Oops on the shoulder length not matching. I don't remember having that problem but it was two summers ago that I did it so maybe I did adjust the shoulder length in back.

    If you redo it so it's less than the 2" you used just adjust the back shoulder length so they match unless you want to keep the pleats.

    Cute top anyway.

  4. Thank you, thank you! I've made this top 3 times and have always wondered how not to "put on a show." I will definitely give this a try on my next top. Oh and 'plungetastic' is officially a part of my vocabulary!

  5. I'm the same. I reread this so it sunk into my head. The pictures really helped.
    A nicely sitting cowl is what I can do now thanks to your post!
    Thanks Kyle.

  6. I love your modification! Can't quite figure out why that works yet in my head but it sure does. thanks

  7. Thanks for posting this - very clear and useful! Lovely top.

  8. Great fix.
    I will try to remember this.

  9. I have some cowl neck patterns that need this adjustment so thank you for showing the step by step pics! See you SF!

  10. I don't get it! :) But, my brain is fried, so I will come back later to re-read. Glad the strategy worked out. It looks much more modest!


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