Honestly, I don't recall very much of what I did yesterday. Must have been a good day!
Today I returned some stuff from my retail therapy binge, but purchased some other stuff in the process ($1.99 Simplicity pattern sale partially to blame). And I made my very first chiropractor appointment. And spa appointment for deep tissue massage. Sometimes I feel like I'm living someone else's life. I mean, for all of 2008 I went to the dentist, twice. No other doctors, because I had had my eye appt and physical in late 2007. And so far, in not even 6 months of 2009, I have had:
- 7 visits to "urgent care"
- 17 physical therapy visits
- 1 dental checkup
- 1 eye dr checkup
- 1 orthopedic surgeon visit
- 1 MRI experience
- 1 x-ray (included with urgent care visit)
Pain level is at 2/3 for back. I think it's doing really really well. Right knee is hurting again, but both knees are next on the list for "fixing". Plus a physical, another dental checkup, the eye dr dilation visit, etc.
Act 2:
Ah yes, I almost completed a bathrobe to match the nightgown yesterday. I want to make a nifty belt for it. I was hoping Joann's would have some white "rope" but I couldn't find it. So instead I will braid together some white cloth strips or twill tape or ribbon or something to make the belt. In the picture, the "belt" is just a piece of too-short twill tape (or something similar) that definitely wouldn't fit around my waist in real life. Also, I sewed the belt loops on about an inch too low, b/c the last bathrobe I made had the belt loops too high, and I mistakenly assumed they would be too high too for this one (nope).

Kinda has a New York Yankees vibe to me (even though, I know their uniforms are white with blue pinstriping).
Act 3:
How many blooms do you count (look carefully!)??? This is just one bush, by the way!!

I wish I had another day off but that's always how I feel when it comes to vacation--always wanting for another day!!!
Wowwwww.... that is quite a score on the doctor/ health care practitioner visits. I fell for the Simplicity $1.99 sale, too, but only for 2706. Hope I can make that dress soon. I guess 6 blooms!