Saturday, June 13, 2009

First half of supersized weekend

I'm having a 4 day weekend. Yeah!!
It started yesterday with the morning in bed, an afternoon of retail therapy and then some cupcakes.
Cupcake trio, side view
Left to right:
85 cent cupcake from Gina's Pastry Shop
$1.70 cupcake from LaBon
$2.25 (or was it $2.50?) rose cupcake from LaBon

Cupcake trio, overhead view

I think La Bon's cupcakes are slightly more delicious but they are definitely a close match. Gina's are certainly cheaper and a bit closer to my home. (I asked the cashier, these are really 85 cents? and she said yes!)

I started sewing again! I know! I shouldn't be sewing but I couldn't help myself. We'll see how I feel tmw. Right now, I don't feel any different than before I started sewing today. I stretched before sewing and took breaks, and set a time limit so didn't sew for as long as I would have liked. But I have been wanting to make this nightgown since I saw it on Kitty Couture! Be sure to check out the last picture in that post--what a hoot!

My new friend piping was along for the ride:
I made a nightgown.

Here's a closeup as it exists now:
closeup of front

Cute, right?

I'm trying to decide how to finish it off.

three square buttons?
Three square buttons?

three white buttons with red flowers?
Three round buttons with red flowers?

one button?
One round button?

Here's the back:

And here it is with the flash, so you can see the embroidery in the fabric:
Front with flash

Of course, I have a lot to say about the pattern, especially since it had bad reviews on SPR. I actually liked it, and will post a review in the next few days to explain why.

I started my next project. Guess what this will be:

Guess what this will be

Good night!!


  1. Mmmm... 4 day weekend... mmmm... cupcakes... super-duper-cute nightgown! I love your choice of fabric. My first thought on the buttons is that it kind of looks like a kitty-cat face. My second thought was, how comfortable will the buttons be while sleeping? I am the queen of minimalist finishing, so perhaps not the best volunteer to chime in, but there it is, for what it's worth. :)

  2. Nice work - I like the square buttons but I would vote for the single button finishing also (for aesthetic rather than comfort reasons).
    No idea what the next project will be!


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