We went to Eddie Bauer Outlet today where my credit card was denied--came home and found out that when it was swiped, the reader said it was counterfeit, heh. I was able to purchase my corduroys for the winter on another card.
We also went to Broadway at the Beach today. Went to the Kiss Coffeehouse. Because Kiss and coffee naturally go together. My frozen hot chocolate and Pete's latte cost almost as much as our K&W dinner last night, heh. But the coffeehouse was a hoot. They had lots of Kiss memorabilia like Gene's boots and guitar. There was a lot of merch for sale too, like coffee mugs and panties with "rock bottom" and "hotter than hell" imprinted on them. I did not purchase them.

check out how the honey has been Kiss-ified.

We also went to the Imax show about prehistoric ocean creatures.
I also bought some jewelry. and a shirt that turns colors in the sunlight. The guy there (at Del Sol) said he remembers us from last time and gave us a free bag even though we didn't have the coupon. I didn't remember him, but I do remember the woman at Eddie Bauer, the hostess at Shoney's, and of course the woman at the realtor's office, from our trips in 2007.
We came back to the condo before dinner and saw a photographer taking pix of a couple and their child on the beach. I think the same photographer left a postcard on our car tonight. Maybe we'll call and ask if she could do our engagement pix.

We also saw a guy urinate on the beach tonight and then cover it up with sand. We have noted the location.
Lunch was at Cracker Barrel. Dinner at K&W. We are both too tired to go mini-golfing.

Only two full days left in MB. Sob!
The moon tonight:

You have no idea how glad I am that you didn't post a photo of the guy urinating in the sand. LOL