So, I took these pix yesterday as the sun was starting to set. Let's start in the middle-ish of the room and rotate counterclockwise....

Might as well start with the cleanest part of the room in these pix, which is my cutting table. It's an Ikea table with adjustable legs, at the highest point, 35". Makes it really easy on my back for cutting. Note, it is never this clean.

Turning counterclockwise a bit more, the chest of drawers holds my thread, zippers, piping, bias tape, ribbons, etc. That door leads to a bathroom. My dressform is on the left side of the pic.

Rotating counterclockwise a bit more. My pressing station with my iron, tabletop ironing board, and Elna Press. (I never use a full size ironing board anymore now that I have my Elna Press.) The table is an Ikea kitchen island. Underneath are ham and seam roll, all my rulers, my modem/router, and a backup iron. The door leads to the hallway. That closet with the door closed.... the closet on the right. (I told you we'd start with the cleaner areas....)
The closet on the left is the fabric closet, sorted by type, not color. My large wax tracing paper is in a garbage can.
The closet on the right has more fabric sorted by type, 2 of my 5 machines, my patterns, my traced patterns, muslins and candidates for "can this garment be saved?"
In between is a full length mirror on a little table.
I want to get the fabric into the fabric closet so that it's not on the floor. Then I can close all the doors and it will look a lot neater.

View from the corner with the chest of drawers. (It was warm enough yesterday to have the window open, pretty unusual for this time of year.) The natural light in this room is fantastic in the afternoon.
Inspiration pix are above the desk.

The view from the hallway.

2 of my sewing machine and my serger. The Soprano has its extension table set up.

Inspiration wall
My 2013 sewing room tour is here.
Hope you enjoyed the tour!!
Be well!