Almost two weeks ago I blogged about
my 2009 Sewing Disasters. Today it's time for a positive spin with my 2009 retrospective on my sewing wins!
Let's start the show!
I think it's a tie for my two favorite garments of the year.
1. First up is my white jacket:

I fell in love with the embroidered fabric at JoAnn's, ignored it for a shopping trip or two, finally succumbed to it even though the fabric is impractically white. I whipped up a coat in a weekend-ish.
I'm not loving them hem, but I was very proud of the bias taped interior finish. You know I must be, because I never showed the interior of a garment before, have I? I added pockets the following weekend because the lack of pockets was driving me insane.

I also added the loop for hanging up the coat in my gym locker:

I also love these buttons (though the jacket actually snaps shut):

I wore it everyday until the temp dropped to the 30's.
2. This is a tie for #1, essentially. It was my first attempt at piping something, and I absolutely fell in love with the technique!

I wore it all winter. And now I'm wearing it again on weekends. Plus I finally got to use stash fabric that's upwards of 12 years old!

3. So once I started piping, I couldn't stop, with this nightgown and bathrobe set!
I wore the bathrobe every weekend during the summer.

Overall, I think it's pretty cool.

I also made the nightgown again, this time in a black print with red piping:

I actually never wore this nightgown, though (yes I
can hear you all gasping!)

4. I was doing physical therapy when I made this pillow (I mean, not during therapy itself). I told the therapist that I sew, and when she asked what I was making, she sort of scoffed at the idea of a pillow, like pillows are
so easy. But this was more complicated than what I think she had in mind:

At the time, I believe I blogged that it's one of those projects best done slowly, a bit at a time. There's no instant gratification with a pillow like this.
I really should fill out the corners with some stuffing (it's currently stuffed with a pillowform).
I look at it everyday on my Ikea chair and it makes me smile.

5. I just adore this cowl neck shirt. I made it again this year, this time in gray. It was worn quite frequently, along with the original pink version.

The ties on the back are just adorable.

6. I only made this 2 weekends ago, but it is destined to become a shirt I wear frequently. I was unsure of the overall look, but I wore it to work and felt very comfy in it. The fabric is just delightful and soft!!

7. I was pretty happy with this shirt that looks more like a jacket once the puckering collar issue was resolved. I wear it about once a week. I rediscovered the joy of princess seaming.

I never should have washed it, though. It was kind of brutal to the fabric.
8. I'm very fond of this Built by Wendy shirt, especially now that I've worked the sizing of the biceps out! I think the ties are adorable!

9. I really love the pleating of this neckline!

10. And I like my little giftmas gift to myself: this red nightgown. I've worn it quite a lot lately.

So that's it for my 2009 epic wins! I think my next "epic" post will be about what I learned about sewing this year. :)
So it was a lot funnier to write about failures than the wins...Good night!