Awww...you were all too polite to guess how old I am. Now you know! My classmates at the gym guessed 23, 25, and 26. So that was pretty uplifting!
Thank you for all of your comments and encouragement about my jacket. I will probably write the SPR in the next week or two, though for this project I have a lot to say, and writing the SPR is a lot like writing a lab report for a project like this. I wore the jacket to work and had lots of nice comments on it. I even showed off the interior pocket to those who were interested. (the picture was taken before I added the running stitches).

I received lots of nice cards--you guys really "get" my love of cupcakes, cats, small animals, flowers, Hawaii, and glitter!

Pete made a fantastic pop-up card from scratch. If you are a long time reader of this blog, you may remember all the wedding plans and the fantastic Hawaiian invitations and the Elvis sign for the card box Pete made and the Hawaiian placecards with our wedding logo. I never blogged this, but in January I decided not to get married and we broke up. He's still my best friend, and we still talk on the phone (he's back in England.) Anyway, I am happy we are still friends. And his card is phenomenal!

Here are the Farmer's Market flowers for this week, though I had to buy them from a different farmer since my favorite farmer didn't come back this week. The white flowers are eustoma, I love how they look like roses. The pumpkin is one my mom bought for me, already painted.

I'm not sure what my next sewing project will be, probably something simple like undies. I placed an order with SewSassy and it arrived yesterday. I'm in elastic heaven! This is what $32 of lingerie elastic looks like (including shipping), er, actually that's not even all of it!

I bought the multi pack of 5 yards each of their basic lingerie elastic in 10 colors, plus zebra striped foldover elastic and turquoise stretchy lace elastic. After my jacket, which was probably a 20 hour effort, I think a quick pair of underwear is just the thing to make. I'm also interested in making a simple knit shirt for work, but I want a long sleeved one that is fitted, without gathers and without a v-neck or wide neckline. Any suggestions??
Good night!