Actually, the fabric on the left is plum colored, though it's hard to tell from the picture. The fabric on the right is a puckered gingham print. So cute!
I just cut out two shirts for Simplicity 2892 for my weekend sewing. View A without the sleeves and view D. We'll see how it goes. SPR folks say view A is apparently easy-peasy, but view D requires patience with all the ruffling. I predict I'll make both shirts tmw. Want to guess which fabric is for view A and which for view D?
Suddenly I have quite a lot to do at work again. But I knew that was going to happen in July.
I slept a lot yesterday. My sense of humor returned at work today. Related?
One of my teeth is bothering me. So on Mon I see the chiro, Tues the dentist, Thurs the ortho, Fri the acu. I'll see the chiro again either Wed or Fri. Knee pain is non-existent today!! Back pain is predominantly left side and is a 2/3.
It has been a gorgeous week here!! Tonight I walked around Princeton and discovered a new paper shop which has lots of things I want and nothing I need. Princeton is pretty lively on a Friday night. There were three couples tango-ing in front of the library. Lines outside ice cream shops. Old men in suit coats. Teenagers everywhere.
I am healing. Good night!!
I'm glad to hear you're healing! The plum and gingham are both very nice fabrics. Don't do too much all at once! I went to the paper store site and love it! It's a good thing for our budget that it isn't close by. I spend money at Warwick's in La Jolla whenever I'm there for PT; it's the closest thing. Oh, and I dreamed you went to my PT person, Gloria! Happy weekend!